There are some really fun shows coming up to close out the year, and I hope to see you at one (or more!) of these.
First up, I leave this week to entertain the troops in undisclosed locations (or “parts unknown” in wrestling parlance) with Comics On Duty and Armed Forces Entertainment. It will be in the most dangerous place I’ve ever ventured to, but as always, where our troops go… so shall I. Then I sneak back into the country to squeeze in some shows at Aces Comedy Club in Murrieta, CA, before I head back out of the country to Indonesia for the inaugural Jakarta International Fringe Festival! I get back to America in time to do Las Vegas at Big Al’s Comedy Club in The Orleans, which is just off the Strip so you avoid that headache. Finally, I head to Sacramento on Thanksgiving weekend for shows at Laughs Unlimited.
But it doesn’t end there, I’m also headed to Australia, Huntington Beach and Las Vegas again before the end of the year. Crossing my fingers, there’s also a possibility of doing some holiday shows back in Hawaii. I’ll get you details on those as I get them.
I’m all over the map from now until the end of civilization, according to the Mayans. I’m bringing my show to you, so that you have no excuse. Click here for a full list of shows.