by Paul Ogata | Jun 2, 2017 | Blog
I’ve always said: “Be specific what you ask the Universe for.” Well, I wanted to do a half-hour for Comedy Central, and the Universe granted my non-specific request… with a half-hour for Comedy Central in Asia. No complaints. I’ll take...
by Paul Ogata | May 29, 2017 | Blog
*** NOTE: This show has been rescheduled to a future date. *** I’ve said it before: Life is a circle. Need more proof? I submit Exhibit A, the strange food month I just experienced: In Malaysia, I gorged on Guangzhou duck. In Guangzhou I devoured Hong Kong dim...
by Paul Ogata | May 27, 2017 | Blog
Dear never-conceived children of mine, I’ve always wanted to have kids, and download my accumulated knowledge into their little heads. But I don’t have children. (Which may not be the worst situation for society.) It could be for any number of reasons: bad...
by Paul Ogata | May 5, 2017 | Blog
With repeated viewings of a movie, you catch more details that you missed the first time. Or, in my case, the first 8 times. I recently got back from a trip to Malaysia and China, and just for the heck of it I watched Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 10 times on the...
by Paul Ogata | Apr 28, 2017 | Blog
Just back from a bunch of amazing shows in Malaysia. I always love doing shows there, and especially in Kota Kinabalu as it reminds me of where I grew up in Hawaii. But in KK (as the locals call Kota Kinabalu) they have a dish I never ever encountered my whole life...