The Bottle

The Bottle

Back in the day at Ocean Club in Honolulu (formerly Studebaker’s, if you are that old… and I am), it was one of those crowded nights. One of those nights when too many people crammed themselves into a small club to get their minds off of being crammed in...
What A Lovely Tour!

What A Lovely Tour!

Oh, what a tour… WHAT A LOVELY TOUR! Three weeks in Australia without a night off. Now gimme that silver spray paint! Here’s the full list of shows. Come to one. Or all. You are awaited. Tuesday, July 26, 8pm – Enmore Theatre, Sydney NSW Wednesday,...
Laughs For Lions 10

Laughs For Lions 10

The mighty Kamehameha Lions Club puts on a hell of a comedy show every year in Honolulu. This year is the show’s 10th anniversary, and is its biggest yet! I am honored to have been a part of this show for several years, and especially honored to be asked back...
The Heckler’s Guide

The Heckler’s Guide

Wasn’t sure if I should have titled this “Snitches Get Stitches.” Or maybe “Comedian And Heckler Lose Face.” In Hong Kong this week, a heckler disrupted a comedy show, announcing to the crowd that he believed the comedian’s jokes...