by Paul Ogata | Jul 28, 2015 | Blog
My mind is blown! The allure of live performance is the very real possibility that anything may happen. Taylor Swift dissing Katy Perry on stage; a comedian putting a heckler in their place; watching how Tiësto pushes the Play button this time in another six-hour...
by Paul Ogata | Jun 30, 2015 | Blog, Shows
Nursery rhymes, in general, are the worst things anyone has contributed to the literary world. They almost always contain dark themes such as handicapped-animal mutilation (Three Blind Mice), infanticide (Rock-a-bye Baby) or even a possible murder-suicide (Jack and...
by Paul Ogata | Jun 2, 2015 | Blog
Before I tell you the bizarre tale of my recent trip to Japan, let me first say that the Yakuza are probably very nice people and law-abiding citizens. Mayyyybe. But definitely handsome, brave and well-inked. And did I mention handsome? That being said, get ready for...
by Paul Ogata | May 7, 2015 | Blog
Since the mid-1970s, McDonald’s has featured the Hamburglar as one of its McDonaldland characters. Originally, it made zero sense to have a criminal as one of the major spokespeople for a restaurant chain. This week, however, the ghost of Ray Kroc emerged from...
by Paul Ogata | Apr 19, 2015 | Blog, Press
The second issue of Mirth + More is out on stands now! Well, not in the United States. But M+M is “Asia’s Premier Comedy And Lifestyle Magazine” so look for it over there and read their review of one of my shows in Kuala Lumpur. The cover should be...