by Paul Ogata | Jul 3, 2014 | Blog
This week I’ve met at least half a dozen people who came up to me after the shows and asked about advice for getting into comedy. Well, if you’re sure you want to get into the game, but don’t know what kind of comedy to focus on, let me help you!...
by Paul Ogata | Jun 25, 2014 | Blog, Shows
It was the celebrated poet e e cummings who once said, “I’m going going, back back, to Aussie Aussie.” Or perhaps that was the Notorious B.I.G.? I get confused between Little e and Biggie. The point is that I’m coming back to Australia! (No...
by Paul Ogata | Jun 15, 2014 | Blog
A friend forwarded me some a post spewing some new-agey type of mnemonic device for remembering how to deal with being overwhelmed in stressful situations. The info said that, “one way of creating a mindful moment and regaining focus is the acronym...
by Paul Ogata | Jun 7, 2014 | Blog
Bigger. Shinier. Faker. More-r! That’s the unwritten credo of Las Vegas. Vegas’ ferris wheel is bigger than your city’s ferris wheel. Vegas’ lights are shinier than your city’s lights. (YOU CAN SEE IT FROM SPACE!) Vegas’ boobs are...
by Paul Ogata | May 23, 2014 | Blog
So, you want to be a stand-up comic? Follow this handy flowchart to determine what your parents think you should do with your life.