by Paul Ogata | May 21, 2014 | Blog
ATTENTION FELLOW ARTISTS: (And anyone else, too. This applies no matter what you do.) An ad agency emailed me asking to renew the usage on some voice work I did for their client a couple of years ago. (For the original job, I submitted an invoice the day they...
by Paul Ogata | May 17, 2014 | Blog
In a previous life, I did morning radio. This generally involved sitting in a very small room for several hours everyday. As a contrast, it seems that a lot of my job as a comedian involves traveling. Sometimes to locations very near, sometimes to far away places. But...
by Paul Ogata | May 12, 2014 | Blog, Shows
Generally, prostitution is regarded as “the oldest profession.” Not to be confused with Walmart greeter, which is “the oldest people’s profession.” Seriously, will nobody under the age of 80 do this job? Seems pretty easy, just wave hello...
by Paul Ogata | May 11, 2014 | Blog
I can’t decide whether I’m a jerk with redeeming qualities or a horribly flawed nice guy. For example, I won’t let you merge in front of me in traffic if you drive a Hummer or similar Earth-killer. On the other hand I try to hold doors open for...
by Paul Ogata | Apr 22, 2014 | Blog
With all the money that China seems to have at its disposal, it is curious that the menus there are screwed up. Badly. Consider this post an official offer to provide my services for menu translation. Fortunately, until China hires me to rectify the situation, their...