I Am Chicken Feet

I Am Chicken Feet

Time to face facts: I am the chicken feet of comedy. Yes, I said chicken feet. In China, they are called Jī jiǎo. In Indonesia, they are ceker. And in the Philippines they are adidas. Taking a look at chicken feet’s Wikipedia page, it seems that I tend to work...
Land of the Fury, Home of the Berated

Land of the Fury, Home of the Berated

Hello, my fellow Americans. Since some of us ignore what the #TakeTheKnee movement is all about and would rather set up straw men like flag/anthem etiquette, do you want a glimpse into the Land Of What Might Be? Last year, while on tour in India, I was loudly...
The World’s Greatest Psychic

The World’s Greatest Psychic

***UPDATE*** MORE EVIDENCE IN COMMENTS SECTION BELOW*** Earlier last week, as I was stuck on a cruise ship because of Hurricane Irma, I took advantage of the free Wi-Fi (Royal Caribbean was simply awesome with helping the stranded at sea) to watch the live Apple Event...
The Lost San Francisco Diary

The Lost San Francisco Diary

I exist in a weird limbo between being horrible at keeping things and yet equally as bad at throwing them away. Let me give you an example. Ten years ago, I entered the San Francisco International Comedy Competition. I thought I might keep an account of the...
Set Your DVR!

Set Your DVR!

It’s official! I’ve got an air date for the Comedy Central Asia half-hour. This journey began last month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A bunch of my very funny friends from around the world got together and made some television history. You can hear me talk...